Content: Exchange skills


Do what you love for people who love what you do!

skillharbour is the harbour where exchanging skills and talents becomes easy.
Swap your skills, find what you are looking for.
It's all free, you just "pay" with your time.


It's that easy:

Register Become a free member of the skillharbour community. All you need to register is an e-mail address. As a member, you have all the services available to you.
Publish your skill Add and describe your talent and offer it to other members. As a welcome bonus to new members, you get 3 skillhours.
Find & exchange Search through the pool of offered talents and get inspired. Communicate with other members and find what makes your day.


Enjoy our introductory video:

skillharbour intro video



If you want to turn your talent into a startup,
the Startup Academy Switzerland is a great place to go! 

Logo Startup Academy.png




Here could be your ad!

system-3599932_640_Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay.jpg

If interested to promote your skill and talent, contact us:



"You are wanted"

Is your hobby sports, music, cooking or handicrafts or...?

Whatever you enjoy doing, share it with others by registering as a member

and publish your skills.